
Showing posts from January, 2021

Knox Update - 1/31

While we celebrate The Lord’s Day, a snow day, and Ellie’s Birthday, we also get ready for the next step in Knox’s journey. Tomorrow, Knox and Buck leave for Philadelphia again for six weeks. Since Knox’s T cells didn’t last long enough last fall, a new T cell collection was done in November. We knew this day would come (actually later than expected) for us to return, but Thanksgiving, Christmas, a couple of birthdays to celebrate, and other normal life stuff has taken over our day to day activity. Now that the time to leave is here, we start to feel the emotions that come with the reality before us. Just as last summer, we will be gone for six weeks, there will be a week of chemo this week, his T cell infusion on Tuesday the 9th, and then time to have many tests and follow-ups to see if the T cells are active. Please pray for our travels, for peace that can only come from knowing Jesus, and for the T cells to work for a long, long time. We’ll update throughout, but keep praying...