Knox Update - Wednesday, April 29th

On Friday, Knox started experiencing headaches that were unexplained. Saturday they continued and he started vomiting along with them. Saturday night we spent overnight and into Sunday morning in the ER at UVA getting him tested for various things. The tests came back negative, he seemed to feel better, and we came home. Monday, he did throw up one more time, but then seemed to feel better. After speaking with his doctor, we scheduled a lumbar puncture procedure today to collect a sample of his CSF to see if any Leukemia happened to be present in the fluid around his brain and spinal cord. We were praying and hoping that this would be a formality to simply chalk up his headaches to a viral illness and that he was on the mend. On the way home from UVA today, we received a call with results and found out that Knox's Leukemia has relapsed. This is tough for us and frankly, we are scared. We have been and are praying. Knox is probably handling it better than the rest of us. We are heading back to UVA this Friday for more testing and to discuss the next steps and what his treatment will look like. We need people to cry out to the Lord to touch Knox and heal him. As I sat in the room while he was in his procedure, I kept reading Psalm 63 and praying that I could be found engrossed in desire for the Lord and His glory, that no matter what the results would be, I could find my joy in His will. We'll see if I can be faithful in this way. I know that whatever is happening, it's not only God's will, but it's good. That's not without heartache, frustration, lots of fear, many tears, and numbness, but it is understanding that God's in control. Pray that in talking to the doctors on Friday, we will know the right path to take. Pray that we will not grow bitter as we endure many long and painful days ahead. It was almost 4 years ago that Knox got his first diagnosis. As I said then, I don't want to do this, but this is where our faith is exercised, and it will only happen as God strengthens us. Pray with us, pass it on, and give God the glory. - Buck


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