Knox Update (CHOP Day 2) - 7/28
Knox Update (CHOP Day 2) - Knox is in clinic for Day 2...yesterday and today mirror each other and requires a good amount of time in clinic for a couple of chemo infusions and for lots of fluids...yesterday was smooth and has been the same so far...tomorrow and Thursday will be more chemo infusions, but should be shorter days....Thursday will include sedation for a LP and Bone Marrow aspiration to get a baseline for that state of his Leukemia...we know, per his care at UVA, that the state of his disease is in remission, but we pray these tests will continue to reveal the same situation... The first night was trying for Knox being in a new place that looks nothing like what we're used to...the last time I looked at the clock I saw 1:52am and he was still physically shaking and twisting his blanket around his finger (nervous indication) as the street sounded a bit like a drag strip for motorcycles...last night was a bit better...after clinic yesterday, we crossed o...