Knox Update - 7/14
Knox Update...It's been about a month since the last update and we are speeding towards the next major step in his treatment plan. Since the last update we have gotten results that Knox's bone marrow is in remission. This is not to say there isn't any Leukemia there, but it is currently below detectable limits. This wasn't the stated goal of his current treatment, but it was something that we and you all joined us in praying for and God blessed us with that result!! Praise be to God!! Tomorrow, Knox has his next LP at UVA and will receive chemo both through and infusion and into his brain/spinal cord space. This usually affects the way he feels for a few days and soon he will also start a new week of oral steroids. These are the ones that really affect his mood. You may remember that we are marching toward immunotherapy (CAR-T) at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and have been waiting for his T cells to be prepared to recognize the Leukemia in his body in order to circulate and destroy them. Well that day has been set and barring any setbacks, we will be starting our stay in Philly on the 27th. The first week will be days of chemo to prepare his body to receive those cells, followed by the actual infusion the second week. After that there will be a lot of monitoring him, watching for reactions, follow up blood work, procedures to take bone marrow samples, and more. It is bittersweet to get to this point as we will miss our family greatly, but this is also a blessing from the Lord to be able to take this next step. As you continue to pray, please pray earnestly for God be praised and glorified. Please pray that Knox will be healed and that all of us will use this as another means to proclaim His goodness. Please pray that our trip and stay will be smooth, that Knox's reaction to the infusion will be minimal, and that he will trust in the Lord throughout whatever happens and whatever he experiences. Please pray that every single leukemia cell will be destroyed. Please pray for our family, as we will be mostly separated for 6 weeks, that grace will abound, they will love each other more and more, and that they too will trust in the Lord throughout this time. Thank you for continuing to help provide for us and giving so freely. Please entrust your lives and cares to the Lord, believing in His good and right plans for you, through the work of Christ, that you may know His peace and strong right hand. Blessings...
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