Knox Update - 9/1

Knox Update -
Hello to all who will be reading this! First...we make our boast in the Christ ALONE and are unashamed of the gospel of Jesus...He is our HOPE and SALVATION both in life and death...for this reason we can face these trials knowing that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus...
We are so thankful for each one of you...admittedly, we can not know everything that is being done for us by so many people, but really, what testament to your kindness and God's goodness that His blessings are too great for us to even measure and know fully...
Knox and I have about a week left, if all continues to go according to plan...tomorrow is a big day as Knox will have his post CAR T bone marrow procedure that will be the first results of exactly how the therapy is working...we really haven't had any anxiety about it, but I imagine as the sun sets tonight and I watch him sleeping, it will be on the heart and mind and will require all of God's grace to be comforted and sleep in peace...
You've probably seen on FB or other places today that September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month...hopefully, you'll see Gold all over as people post to tell their stories of how this has affected them...please know, whether you donate to an organization or not (we'll post more about that throughout the month), you are serving us in our journey, and for that we are so are helping us go from one day to the have provided ways for us to hit more golf balls, build another lego, grab another Chick Fil-A meal or pizza, put Knox's name on a jersey, etc...all things that in and of themselves are fleeting, but collectively, are used to motivate and keep us moving ahead...Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for your support in prayer, financially, and through many gifts...we make our boast in the LORD, for this is of Him, to Him, and through Him...
Please continue to pray for Knox's new T cells to grow, be healthy, and not "exhaust" anytime soon...please pray that there will no B cells present in his bone marrow or blood samples...please pray that the T cells will locate and destroy every last leukemia cell left (maybe there aren't any already!)...please pray that Knox will remain clear of normal illnesses...please pray that we will truly be at peace with great confidence in God's will...
I've included some pictures to enjoy...of course these are the ones with smiles and when he's been feeling good...we know that's not always been the case!


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