Knox Update - 2/20

Knox Update - Week 3 As we get to the end of week 3, I wanted to pass along an update from Philly. At the end of last week, Knox was in the hospital with high fevers. The fevers finally subsided and went away completely, allowing us to leave on Tuesday after a 6 night stay. We are thankful for our warm and comfortable townhouse and, while we are very thankful for the care he received, we are glad to be out of the hospital. He has continued to progress back to full strength. To this point, all tests have come back negative for disease. We pray for this continually and thank you all for calling out to the LORD on his behalf. We continue to pray for these Tcells to last for a long time, reaching and destroying every last blast cell that may be left. From here on out, the clinic visits are not as many and often, but he'll still get bloodwork checked once or twice a week. We are schedule to be here until March 16th and he'll have another bone marrow aspiration and lumbar pu...